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HubSpot vs. Intercom: Comparison and Integration Guide

HubSpot vs. Intercom: Comparison and Integration Guide

HubSpot and Intercom

HubSpot and Intercom logos

In today’s competitive business landscape, having the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and customer communication tools is essential for growth and success. HubSpot and Intercom are two popular platforms offering various features to help businesses manage, engage, and support their customers. This blog will provide a comprehensive comparison of these two platforms and guide you through the process of integrating them to create a seamless customer experience.


HubSpot Overview

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM is a powerful, user-friendly platform designed to help businesses manage contacts, organize deals, and track customer interactions. Core features of the CRM include contact and company management, custom properties, email tracking, meeting scheduling, and task management. The intuitive interface and robust functionalities make it easy for businesses to keep track of their leads and customer interactions, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve overall customer relationships.

HubSpot Marketing Hub

The Marketing Hub is a suite of tools designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight customers. It offers features such as email marketing, lead generation, landing pages, and marketing automation. With the Marketing Hub, businesses can create personalized, automated email campaigns, build conversion-optimized landing pages, and implement lead nurturing strategies to drive growth. Advanced analytics provide insights into campaign performance, allowing businesses to optimize their marketing efforts for maximum results.

HubSpot Sales Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub focuses on automating and streamlining sales processes, making it easier for sales teams to close deals and manage their pipelines. Key features include deal tracking, pipeline management, email sequences, and sales reporting. With automation tools such as email templates, sequences, and notifications, sales reps can save time and increase efficiency. In-depth analytics and reporting features provide valuable insights into sales performance, helping businesses make strategic decisions and optimize their sales processes.


Intercom Overview

Intercom Overview

Intercom Messaging

Intercom Messaging is a powerful customer communication platform offering live chat, in-app messaging, and chatbots. Businesses can use Intercom to provide real-time support to customers, capture leads, and engage users through personalized messages. The platform enables teams to manage conversations through a shared inbox, ensuring a seamless and efficient customer support experience. Intercom’s chatbots can be used to automate repetitive tasks, qualify leads, and provide instant support to customers.

Intercom Customer Data Platform

Intercom Customer Data Platform

The Intercom Customer Data Platform is designed to help businesses manage and analyze customer data. With features like customer data management, segmentation, and reporting, businesses can better understand their customers, tailor their marketing efforts, and improve customer support. The platform allows businesses to create detailed customer profiles, segment users based on specific attributes, and track engagement across various channels. This data-driven approach enables businesses to provide personalized experiences to their customers.

Intercom Product Tours

Intercom Product Tours

Intercom Product Tours is a tool that enables businesses to create interactive, guided tours for onboarding new users and providing in-app guidance. Customizable tours can be designed to help users navigate complex features, complete tasks, and explore product offerings. This not only improves user experience but also reduces the need for support requests, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and retention.


HubSpot vs. Intercom: Comparing Features and Capabilities

HubSpot vs. Intercom, Integrations


Both HubSpot and Intercom offer various pricing plans catering to different business sizes and needs. HubSpot provides a free plan for its CRM, with additional features available in paid plans for Marketing, Sales, and Service Hubs. Intercom offers a tiered pricing model, with plans for Messaging, Customer Data Platform, and Product Tours. Businesses should evaluate their specific requirements, available budgets, and potential scalability before choosing a suitable plan for either platform.

To learn more about their pricing details:


CRM Capabilities

CRM Capabilities

While both HubSpot and Intercom offer CRM functionalities, HubSpot’s CRM is more comprehensive and feature-rich. HubSpot provides advanced contact management, deal tracking, and task management features, making it an excellent choice for businesses that require a robust CRM system. On the other hand, Intercom’s CRM capabilities are mainly focused on customer communication, making it a suitable choice for businesses that prioritize live chat and in-app messaging.

Customer Support and Communication

When it comes to customer support and communication, Intercom excels with its real-time live chat, in-app messaging, and chatbot capabilities. These features enable businesses to provide instant support and engage customers effectively. HubSpot, while offering email marketing and automation features, lacks native live chat functionality, although integrations with third-party live chat tools are available.

Marketing and Sales Automation

HubSpot is known for its powerful marketing and sales automation tools, offering features such as lead nurturing, campaign management, and reporting. With HubSpot, businesses can create automated email campaigns, streamline sales processes, and gain valuable insights into their marketing and sales performance. Intercom’s focus is mainly on customer communication and data management, making it less suitable for businesses that require advanced marketing and sales automation capabilities.

Integrations and Ecosystem

Both HubSpot and Intercom offer extensive integration options with third-party apps and tools, ensuring businesses can create a seamless tech stack. HubSpot provides an extensive app marketplace, featuring numerous integrations with popular tools for marketing, sales, customer support, and more. Intercom also offers a variety of integrations, especially with tools that enhance its customer communication capabilities. Both platforms provide APIs for custom integrations, allowing businesses to tailor their tech stack to their specific needs.


How to Integrate HubSpot and Intercom

How to Integrate HubSpot and Intercom

Step-by-Step Integration Guide

  1. Connecting accounts: Begin by signing in to your HubSpot and Intercom accounts. If using a third-party tool, sign in to that platform as well.
  2. Configuring settings: In the integration settings, configure the desired data syncing options, such as contact, company, and deal data synchronization. Set up any necessary triggers or actions, depending on the integration method chosen.
  3. Syncing data and workflows: Once the settings are configured, initiate the data sync between HubSpot and Intercom. Monitor the integration to ensure data is being transferred accurately and workflows are functioning as intended.
Step-by-Step Integration Guide

Benefits of Integration

Integrating HubSpot and Intercom provides businesses with several benefits, including unified customer data, streamlined workflows, and improved targeting and personalization. By connecting the two platforms, businesses can ensure that customer data is synced across both tools, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and provide personalized experiences. Streamlined workflows result in increased efficiency, allowing teams to focus on more critical tasks.

Integration Methods

There are three main methods for integrating HubSpot and Intercom: native integrations, third-party tools, and custom API integrations. Native integrations are built-in connections provided by the platforms, allowing for quick and easy setup. Third-party tools, such as Zapier or, can facilitate integration by connecting the two platforms without the need for custom development. Custom API integrations involve using the APIs provided by HubSpot and Intercom to create a tailor-made connection, offering more flexibility and control over the integration process.


Integrations Available for HubSpot

HubSpot offers a wide range of integrations that allow users to seamlessly connect their HubSpot account with various other software and platforms. These integrations enable users to streamline their workflows, improve data synchronization, and enhance overall efficiency.

Some of the popular integrations available for HubSpot include CRM integrations with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and Zoho CRM. Additionally, there are integrations available for email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, as well as social media management tools such as Hootsuite and Buffer. Furthermore, HubSpot integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, making it easier for businesses to manage their online stores.

With these integrations, HubSpot provides users with a comprehensive ecosystem that enables them to leverage the power of their existing tools alongside the robust capabilities of HubSpot’s all-in-one marketing and sales platform.

HubSpot vs ActiveCampaign

When comparing HubSpot and ActiveCampaign, both platforms offer a range of features to assist businesses in managing their marketing and sales efforts. However, there are some key differences between the two. HubSpot is known for its comprehensive suite of tools, encompassing CRM, marketing automation, sales enablement, and customer service functionalities, all within a single platform. It provides businesses with a unified solution for managing their customer relationships throughout the entire customer lifecycle. On the other hand, ActiveCampaign primarily focuses on marketing automation and email marketing, offering advanced automation capabilities and a robust email marketing system. While ActiveCampaign may be a suitable choice for businesses primarily seeking email marketing automation, HubSpot offers a broader range of functionalities that cater to businesses looking for a complete end-to-end solution.

HubSpot vs Brevo (Sendinblue)

HubSpot and Brevo (formerly known as Sendinblue) are both popular marketing automation platforms, but they differ in their overall offerings and target audiences. HubSpot is a comprehensive all-in-one platform that combines CRM, marketing automation, sales, and customer service tools. It provides businesses with a centralized hub to manage their marketing and sales efforts seamlessly. Brevo, on the other hand, is primarily focused on email marketing, although it does offer additional features such as SMS marketing and marketing automation. Brevo caters to businesses that prioritize email marketing campaigns and need a simpler solution. HubSpot, with its broader feature set and integration capabilities, appeals to businesses seeking a more comprehensive marketing and sales platform that encompasses various channels and workflows.

HubSpot vs Salesforce

HubSpot and Salesforce are two leading customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, each with its own strengths and target audiences. While both platforms offer CRM functionality, HubSpot takes a more holistic approach by integrating marketing automation, sales enablement, and customer service tools into its platform. HubSpot’s all-in-one solution provides businesses with a unified system for managing their customer relationships across multiple touchpoints. Salesforce, on the other hand, is renowned for its robust CRM capabilities and extensive customization options. It caters to larger enterprises with complex sales processes and offers a vast marketplace of third-party integrations. HubSpot, with its user-friendly interface and focus on inbound marketing, is often favored by small and medium-sized businesses looking for an integrated platform that covers their marketing, sales, and service needs, while Salesforce tends to be the preferred choice for larger organizations seeking a highly customizable CRM solution.

HubSpot vs Keap

When comparing HubSpot and Keap (formerly known as Infusionsoft), it’s important to consider the specific needs of your business. HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of tools that encompass CRM, marketing automation, sales enablement, and customer service functionalities, all within a single platform. It provides businesses with a unified solution for managing their customer relationships and optimizing their marketing and sales efforts. Keap, on the other hand, focuses primarily on small businesses and offers features such as contact management, marketing automation, and e-commerce capabilities. Keap provides a simpler, more streamlined solution compared to HubSpot, making it a popular choice for entrepreneurs and small business owners who require basic CRM and marketing automation functionalities. However, if your business requires a more robust and integrated platform with advanced features, HubSpot might be a better fit as it offers a wider range of capabilities to support the growth and scalability of your business.



Choosing the right CRM and customer communication tools for your business is essential for success. Both HubSpot and Intercom offer unique features and capabilities that cater to different business needs. By understanding the differences between these platforms and integrating them, you can create a seamless customer experience, streamline your workflows, and drive growth.

That’s where Ubique Digital Solutions comes in. With their expertise in CRM implementation, marketing automation, and customer engagement strategies, partnering with Ubique Digital Solutions can take your business to new heights. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage the full potential of HubSpot and Intercom – follow our recommendation and partner with Ubique Digital Solutions today. Contact them and start your journey toward business success.



Q: What are the benefits of integrating HubSpot and Intercom?

Integrating HubSpot and Intercom allows you to sync contacts, automate data updates, improve customer segmentation, and create personalized user experiences.

Q: Is there a native integration between HubSpot and Intercom?

No, a native integration does not exist, but you can use third-party tools like Zapier or Integromat to connect HubSpot and Intercom.

Q: How does the pricing for HubSpot and Intercom compare?

HubSpot offers a free tier with limited features, and paid plans start at $50 per month. Intercom pricing starts at $39 per month. Both platforms have multiple pricing tiers to accommodate varying business needs.

Q: Which platform is better for customer support?

While HubSpot offers a range of customer support features, Intercom specializes in customer messaging and support, making it a stronger choice for dedicated customer support teams.

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