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HubSpot BigCommerce Integration: The Ultimate Guide to Automate Your Store

HubSpot BigCommerce Integration

Understanding the Benefits of Integrating HubSpot and BigCommerce

HubSpot CRM and BigCommerce integrations Integrating HubSpot with BigCommerce allows businesses to harness the power of two powerful platforms, creating a seamless experience for managing customer relationships, marketing efforts, and eCommerce operations. This integration offers numerous advantages, including centralized customer data management, automated marketing workflows, improved targeting and personalization, and comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities.  

Who Should Consider This Integration?

Integrating HubSpot-BigCommerce The HubSpot-BigCommerce integration is ideal for eCommerce businesses looking to streamline their marketing and sales efforts and enhance their customer engagement. Companies aiming to capitalize on HubSpot’s robust marketing automation and CRM features while leveraging Bigcommerce’s versatile eCommerce platform will greatly benefit from this integration.  

Preparing for the Integration

Setting up HubSpot account, click icon

Setting up your HubSpot account

To set up your HubSpot account, visit the HubSpot website and choose the right plan based on your business needs. After signing up, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to activate your account. Upon activation, you’ll be directed to the HubSpot dashboard. Spend some time exploring the features available, including contact management, email marketing tools, and reporting capabilities, to familiarize yourself with the platform.

Setting up your BigCommerce account

To set up your BigCommerce account, visit the BigCommerce website and sign up for a plan that best suits your business requirements. After registration, you’ll receive an email with instructions to activate your account. Once activated, start setting up your online store by adding product listings, configuring shipping options, and setting up payment gateways. You should also customize your store’s design and layout to match your brand identity.   set up BigCommerce account

Ensuring compatibility and prerequisites

Before integrating HubSpot and BigCommerce, ensure that you have administrative access to both accounts. Verify that you have the necessary API key for your HubSpot account and the required API credentials for your BigCommerce account. These credentials will be needed during the integration process.  

Step-by-Step Integration Process

HubSpot-BigCommerce Integration App  

1. Installing the HubSpot-BigCommerce Integration App

To install the HubSpot-BigCommerce Integration App, visit the BigCommerce App Marketplace and search for “HubSpot.” Locate the HubSpot-BigCommerce Integration App and click “Install.” Follow the on-screen instructions, granting the necessary permissions when prompted.

2. Configuring the integration settings

Once the app is installed, access the integration settings by navigating to the “Apps” section in your BigCommerce dashboard and clicking on the HubSpot app. You will be prompted to enter your HubSpot API key, which can be found in your HubSpot account settings under “Integrations” > “API key.” After entering the API key, configure data syncing options for contacts, products, and other relevant information.

3. Syncing your BigCommerce store data with HubSpot

After configuring the integration settings, start the data syncing process by clicking “Sync Now” or a similar button within the app. This process may take some time, depending on the size of your store and the amount of data to be synced. Once the syncing process is complete, your BigCommerce store data will be available within your HubSpot account.  

Leveraging the Integration for Marketing Success

email marketing campaigns

Creating effective email marketing campaigns

Utilize HubSpot’s email marketing tools to design, send, and analyze targeted email campaigns. With the integration, you can segment your customers based on their purchase history and preferences, allowing you to send personalized content, promotions, and product recommendations. This targeted approach will help improve your email engagement and conversion rates.

Implementing inbound marketing strategies

Incorporate HubSpot’s inbound marketing features, such as blogging, SEO tools, and social media management, to attract more traffic to your BigCommerce store. By creating valuable content and engaging with potential customers through various channels, you’ll generate more leads and improve your conversion rates. eCommerce analytics and reporting tools

Utilizing eCommerce analytics and reporting tools

The HubSpot-BigCommerce integration provides access to comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities within HubSpot. Use these tools to monitor your store’s performance, track the success of your marketing campaigns, and gain insights into customer behavior. By analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions and optimize your marketing strategies to maximize revenue.  

Troubleshooting and Support

Troubleshooting and Support

Common integration issues and solutions

If you encounter any issues during the integration process, consult the integration’s documentation or the help sections on the HubSpot and BigCommerce websites. Common issues include incorrect API credentials, data syncing errors, and app installation problems. Most of these issues can be resolved by double-checking your API keys, reviewing the integration settings, and ensuring that you have granted the necessary permissions during the installation process.

Accessing HubSpot and BigCommerce support resources

If you require assistance with the integration or need further support, both HubSpot and BigCommerce offer extensive help resources. Visit the HubSpot Knowledge Base or BigCommerce Help Center for articles, guides, and troubleshooting tips. Additionally, you can contact their respective customer support teams via phone, email, or live chat for personalized assistance.  

The Benefits of Integrating HubSpot With BigCommerce

customer engagement Integrating HubSpot with BigCommerce offers numerous benefits to eCommerce businesses looking to streamline their marketing and sales efforts, enhance customer engagement, and optimize overall performance. Some of the key benefits include:

Centralized Customer Data Management

The integration allows you to sync customer data between the two platforms, providing a centralized and unified view of your customer information. This enables better targeting, personalization, and segmentation in your marketing campaigns.

Marketing Automation

HubSpot’s robust marketing automation features, combined with BigCommerce’s eCommerce capabilities, allow you to create targeted and personalized email campaigns, automate follow-ups, and set up trigger-based marketing actions to enhance customer engagement. Marketing Automation

Improved Customer Experience

The integration enables you to deliver tailored content and offers to your customers based on their purchase history and preferences, leading to a more personalized and engaging shopping experience.

Enhanced Lead Generation and Conversion

By leveraging HubSpot’s inbound marketing tools, such as blogging, SEO, and social media management, you can attract more traffic to your BigCommerce store, generate more leads, and ultimately improve your conversion rates. Analytics and Reporting, segmentation, logo, orders tracker

Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

The integration offers access to in-depth analytics and reporting capabilities within HubSpot, allowing you to monitor your store’s performance, track the success of your marketing campaigns, and gain insights into customer behavior. This data-driven approach enables you to optimize your marketing strategies and maximize revenue.

Streamlined Processes

Integrating HubSpot and BigCommerce helps you automate and streamline various processes, such as customer lifecycle management, order processing, and marketing efforts, reducing manual tasks and improving efficiency.


Both HubSpot and BigCommerce are designed to grow with your business, making the integration ideal for businesses looking to scale their operations and expand their market reach.  


In conclusion, integrating HubSpot with BigCommerce enables eCommerce businesses to streamline their marketing and sales efforts while enhancing customer engagement. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this blog post, you can effectively integrate these two powerful platforms and leverage their combined features to drive traffic, boost sales, and grow your eCommerce business. In conclusion, the HubSpot-BigCommerce integration is a powerful tool that can revolutionize your eCommerce store by automating marketing efforts and streamlining customer engagement. By following this ultimate guide, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging the combined power of these two platforms to elevate your business. However, navigating the complexities of integration and maximizing its potential can be challenging without the right guidance. That’s where Ubique Digital Solutions comes in. Partner with us and let our team of experts help you harness the full power of the HubSpot-BigCommerce integration. With our support, you’ll be able to propel your business to new heights and achieve unprecedented success. Get in touch with Ubique Digital Solutions today and embark on your journey to eCommerce excellence.  


Q: Can I use this integration with a free HubSpot account?

Yes, you can use the HubSpot-BigCommerce integration with a free HubSpot account. However, some advanced features and functionalities may only be available with paid HubSpot plans.

Q: How long does the integration process take?

The integration process duration depends on the size of your store and the amount of data to be synced. Typically, the process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Ensure a stable internet connection and allow sufficient time for the syncing process to complete.

Q: What types of data are synced between HubSpot and BigCommerce?

The integration syncs various types of data between HubSpot and BigCommerce, including customer information, order history, product details, and website activity. This allows you to access a comprehensive view of your customer data, enabling better targeting and personalization in your marketing efforts.

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