Insights and Strategies to Drive Digital Success

How To Use Website Call To Action To Turn Leads into Customers?


What is a Website Call to Action?


website call to action


A website call to action is a powerful digital marketing tool that allows you to connect with your audience and get them to tell you that they are ready for the next step in their digital marketing relationship with you.

A CTA doesn’t have to be the form of a button that asks users to buy a product or sign up for a subscription. Sometimes it can be a call to action (a specific offer or request for a particular action) embedded in a blog post or website article.

If you don’t know exactly what a great call to action marketing is, or you’re not sure whether or you can achieve this, then keep reading.


What is a Call to Action button?

A Call to Action Button (CTA) is a clickable link that directs users to a form or landing page where they can sign up to download an eBook or request a free sample. Clickable links are an important part of every website because they make it easy for your visitors to complete the goal of your web content.


website call to action


How Do You Write a Call to Action?

Whether you are creating an irresistible offer, a persuasive call to action, or simply want to make sure people know  you are available, this chapter will teach you how to write an effective call to action. Before jumping to action, there are a few simple steps you should consider. Follow these marketing tips and you’ll get noticed and start building a solid business foundation.


1. Get as little information as possible.

Do you know how many people visit your website in the first month? How much money did your last campaign bring in? How many people signed up for your newsletter?

Make sure that you ask only for information that is relevant to your business. This is the right choice for those who want to contact their clients. This will give the user an opportunity to contact them without needing to download their product.

Ensure the Call To Action offers a way for people to contact you (like an email form or phone number).


2. Your CTA should be short.

Your CTA should be short, but you need to ensure that your headline is strong enough to capture someone’s attention. There’s no reason to waste time filling out a form when you can use the WordPress editor to create beautiful, engaging blogs without wasting your time.


3. Make sure that your call to action includes only essential information.

We all hate having to fill out a form, even more than getting a bill in the mail. So make it easy for everyone and let them post their comments on your site directly from their browser with no any extra steps.


Where to Put Your Call To Action

It’s important for any site to have call-to-actions placed in a visually engaging and interesting way. But sometimes, it can be easy to overlook this key piece of design when creating pages. Most sites aren’t as exciting and fun to visit as they could be because they’re not providing clear instructions about how users can find out more about them and get involved in their activities. Many web visitors are in a hurry to get back to the main page, and if they are having trouble finding what they are looking for, it may be time to rethink their user interface. You can place calls to action on all your web pages so that your visitors will know how to find what they want on your site.

Here are some bullet points to highlight where to place your Call To Action:

  • Above the Fold: Position the primary CTA prominently within the top portion of the webpage, ensuring it’s immediately visible without scrolling.
  • At the End of Content: Place a CTA at the end of your content to capture users’ attention after they’ve consumed your information.
  • In the Sidebar: Include a CTA in the sidebar to catch the eye of visitors who may not scroll through your entire page.
  • Within Menus and Navigation: Add CTAs within your website’s menu or navigation to guide users to key pages or actions.
  • As Pop-Ups or Slide-Ins: Use well-timed pop-ups or slide-in CTAs to grab users’ attention without being overly intrusive.
  • In Product Descriptions: Include CTAs within product descriptions to encourage immediate purchases.
  • On Landing Pages: Ensure that your landing pages feature clear and compelling CTAs related to the desired action, such as downloading a resource or signing up for a trial.
  • In Email Campaigns: Incorporate CTAs in your email marketing to drive traffic to your website or prompt specific actions.
  • Throughout Blog Posts: Strategically place CTAs within your blog posts to lead readers toward related content, offers, or conversions.
  • On Thank You Pages: After a conversion, guide users to take additional actions or explore more of your site with post-conversion CTAs.


CTA and Lead Magnets

Not all web visitors are ready to buy or enquire on their first visit, and most will only do so after several visits. Make sure to capture the details about your potential customers when you start talking to them so that you can continue to offer them value, build a relationship, and help nurture them toward a buying decision (if that’s the right thing for them).

Here’s one example of a CTA. Write a short sentence at the end of your blog post that says, “Sign up now to receive updates about new posts from my site.” This is your primary CTA.


Lead magnets

A lead magnet is an offer that entices people to opt-in, giving them a reason to be interested in your business and offering them something they can’t refuse. The first thing a visitor will notice about your website in the form. It typically appears when the visitor enters the website, sometime within the first minute or two of browsing, or when the visitor exits. This is a good call-to-action (CTA) – a discount or offer that motivates them to keep engaging with you and encourages them to buy from you.

A lead magnet is something simple but of value. You can offer your visitors a free downloadable checklist, video tutorial, or eBook in exchange for their contact information. To increase traffic to your website, a download might be a great option here. Visitors must input their details to gain access to the download link.


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Writing Tips Smart Marketers Know

You’ve probably heard the term ‘call to action’ used to describe the idea of making people aware of a business’s product or service by adding a call to action at the bottom of an email. Whether you’ve already got an established eCommerce business, a great idea for a new product, or you just have a passion for selling.

You may want to evoke different actions: get someone on your email list, get someone to buy something, promote your offer, share your content on social media, register for an event, and make sure your site is accessible to the blind or visually impaired. Maybe you’d like them to think about what you’ve said. You can even have a good, hard think about what they’ve said.

A call to action means anything you want your readers to do after they read your words. Examples: You can ask them to visit your website, sign up for your email list, or share your post.

A good marketing strategy includes a call to action that will let your customers know what they should do next.

Short, sweet CTAs are a powerful tool that can be used in conjunction with any text in your copy, including subheads, headlines and the first paragraph.


Below are some of the few tips on writing a website call to action:

1. Make your call to action an action

When we talk about action verbs, it’s important to use the strongest verbs in order to get the job done. When you want to grab their attention and get them to take action, use the word “get”, “try”, “start”, or “reserve” instead of “download”, “submit” or “enter”.


2. Add some urgency

You should wait no longer than 30 days before you call the client or prospective client back to schedule the next phase of the sales process. A reason will help to give your offer a higher power level. Use “Buy Now – Limited Offer” instead of “Buy Now” as it conveys more urgency since you will only be able to buy this product if you purchase it now. I’d like them to tell me, “If you’re ever ready to make this change, it would be helpful to get in touch.


3. Advertise the value of taking the next step

Even when you’re offering a complete solution, it’s not necessarily a good sign if you can’t close the sale. It shows that you don’t have anything special going on for your customer.

Remind them that they will benefit by taking the next step. Offering an extra incentive can be the difference between your article being read, and your article not being read at all. The key is to explain what the extra incentive is and why it will be of benefit to your readers.


4. Reduce the risk around saying yes

Inviting people to get to know you is risky, especially if you’re inviting them to get to know you in a new way. Ask yourself what type of relationship you would want with your reader and then consider what you need to do to create that.

You can beat these fears by adding some extra information to your call action. “Download and Get Started Today. “Don’t forget to enter your credit card details”.


5. Use the local lingo

Make sure your keywords are similar to what your reader might think of when he or she hears your ad. If you are targeting a global audience, make sure your language is adapted to local terminology. 


6. Make your call to action clearly visible

Don’t be afraid to make your call-to-action buttons look like actual buttons. They are not supposed to be hidden or buried in some text somewhere. It’s time to take this text into a more contrasting colour. It should be bolded since the text already stands out from the rest of the page. Let it breathe a little more, too.

These tips can apply to all kinds of marketing, from your website and blog to your email and brochures and promotional flyers.


7. Make sure your call to action is always within view

Someone will read your marketing if you write it well. Good writing and design make a difference. It could be online or some printed materials. When it comes to protecting your brand online, you need to keep your eye on the ball. At any point, they could decide to take action, and it’s crucial that they don’t have to hunt around for that action.

Your CTA should be repeated at the beginning of each section of your website, and should also be included in the footer of every page. Make sure your contact details are visible throughout your website, too.

To improve conversions, you must make it easy for visitors to get to the information they’re looking for. On landing pages, have a call to action for each page someone scrolls.


Importance of Call to Action Phrases for Your Website

When customers are overwhelmed by marketing messages, they’re likely to be confused by all the messages they receive. If I have to sum it up, then it’s this: If you’re a woman who wants to get your dream job (or any dream job for that matter If you want to confuse users, avoid writing any story angles or actions from the site. They might be confused and not know what to do. Well, you’ve got to pick one of these three sentences, right?

There are different ways to create a seamless flow of action, such as by providing a strong call to action or CTA.

1. Eliminates decision fatigue

You want to be clear about what you’re offering. If you’re selling something like a service, for example, be sure that you know exactly what you’re providing and what you’re not providing. Directives are used to control the flow of a conversation. You use them at the beginning of a chat or blog post to guide your reader about where to go next in the conversation. They give your customers and other sellers information about your product.


2. Directs users to a specific action or steps

There’s no doubt that the information clearly calls to action the reader to click on it. The reader is not left wondering about the author’s intent. What’s next is writing your own post and asking people to subscribe to your blog or page to get your latest post in their inbox. Will they fill out the information required before payment? If they sign up for my newsletter, I’ll send them the book.


3. Generate leads and increase sales

In a word: Call to action! Every marketing activity needs an end goal in mind, and if that goal is to get people to take action on your offer or to purchase your product, you should have a call to action phrase that will connect with your target audience. Call to action phrases are great ways to engage your audience and build an interested audience for your brand. They also convert users to customers and clients for you.


4. Grow followers

If you’re looking for a way to grow your following or increase your email subscribers, use the simple phrases “Follow us on Facebook” or “Download FREE e-book.” These simple phrases can be used to generate a lot of interest in your business. A call to action should be one of your priorities, especially if you have an online business or website. You need to make it stand out from the competition.


5 Types of Website Call to Actions

When it comes to calls-to-action (CTA), this is where you get to decide on the call-to-action that will most appeal to your audience.

There are many ways to get new visitors to your website. These include paid advertising, free advertising, SEO and so much more. If you’re still struggling to figure out which strategy is best for you, this post will help you decide on what works best for your specific situation.


website call to action


1. Newsletters subscription & lead magnet CTA’s

A newsletter or other type of email that’s subscription-based is an incredible way of providing value to the user and building a loyal clientele. It’s also a great way to increase your visibility and maintain a ubiquitous presence in the inboxes of your customers.

You may not have access to a huge budget, but that doesn’t mean you can’t build a following on social media. You can use periodic brand exposure to educate your prospects and cultivate leads, but you need to make sure you follow up first. A subscription call-to-action is a general-purpose tool that can be placed across your website. Placing a subscription call-to-action on your site sidebar, a pop-up or on a prominent place on a web page.

This could appeal to people who are looking for inspiration in their daily lives. It may be an ideal example of a good subject line.

A valid email address must be provided in order to be entered into a contest or sweepstakes.

Although there’s a price tag associated with each of these services, we still understand what the user is getting in return for giving us their email address. In the first example, they’ve also got some form of comfort knowing that they’re joining others already getting the same thing.


Lead Magnet CTAs

Make sure that any CTA you create links to the download of that particular free offer as well. When it comes to online marketing, a lead magnet is a piece of content that offers valuable information and has the potential to convert visitors into sales. It’s basically giving your website visitors something of value in return for their contact info.

Whether your goal is to increase engagement or to make more sales, lead magnets are an effective CTA. There are many types of lead magnets available for use, from single-use e-books to free reports to exclusive lists of top products, and each has different qualities to consider.

If you want to convert leads into subscribers, don’t use the same call-to-action for every single lead magnet you create. Instead, make sure you tailor each one to the specific audience they’re aimed at, which will help them more easily identify what type of content you have to offer.


risk free trial cta


2. No-Risk or Free Trial CTAs

When new visitor lands on your website, they will most likely want to know about your products and services. As a result, you should be ready to answer questions like: How does this product/service work? How can I use it? Where can I buy it?

The potential for higher profits, in the long run, makes this form of pay-per-click advertising more appealing than traditional, direct-to-consumer models. A no-risk “call-to-action” guarantees a free, no-obligation trial of your product or service.

If you offer your product at a low price and give your customers free trials, they can experience your product for free and see if it’s right for them before deciding to purchase it. Once they realize how your product has isolated their core problem, they are less likely to search for other alternatives. This substantially increases the chances that they will convert.


Free trials CTA

Free Trials are popular among customers because they give them the chance to try out a product without spending a cent of their own money. This is a no-risk method of getting new customers to buy from you. When do you want your trial to start? You should be asking for more information about the customer such as what kind of product they’re looking for or what type of skin they have. You should also be asking for more information about the trial such as what they’re trying to achieve, how it will benefit them and whether they have any questions or concerns.

Yes/No questions are good for single choice or multiple-choice questions. You want to make sure that the questions are leading the students into thinking about their own responses and helping them choose their answers.


contact us


3. Form Submission CTAs

There are two different kinds of calls to action required on any website. You can have either a call to action or an offer. An example of a call to action would be “Buy Now” on an item page or “Sign up for our newsletter. For example, an eCommerce website may have several contact us forms, all of which require your email address or phone number in order to submit a message. 

It’s common for customers to complete multiple forms on your website to gather as much information as possible before making a decision. Form submissions capture various types of data depending on where the customer is at in the journey or where you think the customer would be based on the location of the form.

Remember to keep the fields as small as possible, because most people do not like to give out too much information at the beginning of a relationship. It’s important to capture what you need to progress the customer and to get them to complete your online forms so that you can collect their information. However, it’s better to capture only enough information to enable you to get the customer to complete the rest of the forms for you. Always give your potential customer the option of entering information such as a phone number or email address in the “message” field so that they have an opportunity to contact you.


buy now


4. Buy Now CTAs

Prominent buy now or shop now buttons are vital for any eCommerce store. They make customers click and convert for your site. Even though it’s fairly obvious that a CTA button like this one is required to sell products online, here are a few handy tips to make sure the buttons are working as effectively as possible for you:

Make sure the “Buy Now” or “Shop Now” text is always visible. Don’t rely on a potential buyer

If you are selling products online, then there should be a Buy Now button associated with every single product. For example, if you have a “New in” section with new products just to showcase, make sure they don’t just have a title and blurb – add a CTA button to encourage the sale.




5. Social Sharing CTAs

Today’s viral means different things to different people. In fact, the term itself may be a misnomer for some viral trends. But we all know that social media is a powerful tool. You can’t avoid social media platforms. They’re part of everyday life. Whether you’re working on a project, looking to meet new people, or just wanting to find a job, chances are there’s a social media platform where you can find what you’re looking for.

Whether you’re selling to small business owners, entrepreneurs, or professionals in any field, this book has the information you need to sell to your target audience via the power of social media. You may not think that you have a lot to add to the conversation in social media sharing but there’s always something useful to add. If you start using your social media accounts is more than a place to get sales or advertise then you’ll find that you can add value to people’s lives.


What is the Best Call to Action (CTA)?

free download


Your call to action (CTA) is one of the most important parts of any marketing campaign. It needs to be well-thought-out so that your visitors will want to do business with you. No matter where you place the free trial line on your website, customers will always see it as a tired, out-of-date, outdated line, regardless of how awesome your website is and how incredible your product is.


1. No obligation statement

In order to get your email subscriber to take the next step with you (i.e., click a link), you want to make sure you have a clear call to action. One of the easiest ways to get users to complete your tasks is to give them as many steps as possible. However, when too many steps are added, the task becomes more complicated for the user to complete.

You should never include any kind of mandatory obligations or steps that would discourage your users from calling you. If they think you’re too busy, you may lose them as customers. In addition, make sure that the users or visitors are aware that they’re not bound by anything if they take an action on the call.


2. Relevance

The best calls to action are those that your reader can glance at after being introduced to your brand and service or product and say, “yep, I want to be more engaged.” These types of calls appear at just the right times in just the right places and are natural sequential steps for your readers to discover more about your brand. It should be relevant to the readers.

A CTA is an important aspect of any landing page, but it’s not the only one. To truly improve your conversions, you need to focus on a handful of CTA’s that are designed to inspire your audience to take action.


3. Smart content

Smart content refers to a type of content that attracts, motivates, and converts. The most effective smart content includes calls to action (CTAs), which are pieces of content designed to prompt a particular user to take some kind of action.

In this day and age, everyone wants to make their web pages smart; they want to build the kind of website that visitors click on to go somewhere else and that they want to return to. Marketing tools like HubSpot are great for this. You’ll discover which tools are best for what purpose. You’ll discover what to do in-between tasks like creating landing pages, blogging, and more. Content that’s rich in meaning and content that’s compelling helps websites attract more site traffic. Smart CTAs, or smart calls to action, allow your site to target audience based on:

This question will help you understand why this is important, and it’ll help you know if this is something that you can do on your own. Better to make your sales pitch personalized, rather than using a generic email. You’re able to develop a meaningful connection to each bracket of your audience, building relationships and trust, and you can engage them, too.



Call-to-action, or CTAs, are the most important thing you can do when it comes to building a website. A strong call to action will increase conversions by thousands of percent. CTAs are easily implemented on your website. However, they must first be thought through carefully, as they are often the reason why people leave a website. You can offer your visitors something in exchange for their contact details, but only if it is relevant to your offering. You may choose different CTAs for different goals, such as for lead generation and retention.

Partner with Ubique Digital Solutions for your digital marketing needs. UDS will guide you in creating the right strategies for your CTA’s that will help you reach your marketing goals. Don’t hesitate to reach out and start your journey now. Contact us today.



Q: Why should you create a strong website call to action?

A strong website call to action will improve the success of your marketing campaign. A good call to action will be clear, concise, and interesting.


Q: How Call to Action helps the customers?

The best practices for writing a Call to Action (CTA) tell the customer exactly what he or she gets in return for the action they are performing, like visiting the website, downloading an app, or ordering a product. If the customer buys, you receive payment. If not, you don’t.


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