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How to Use AirCall with Sales Team

How to Use AirCall with Sales Team: The Software for Outbound Call Centers

What is Aircall?

Aircall is a cloud-based phone system designed to streamline communication and improve productivity for businesses, especially outbound call centers. For sales teams, Aircall offers an intuitive platform that enables them to make, receive, and manage calls efficiently. The purpose of this blog is to help sales teams optimize their outbound call center operations by providing a step-by-step guide on using Aircall and leveraging its features to enhance their performance.


Setting up Aircall for Sales Teams

Setting up Aircall for Sales Teams


To get started with Aircall, first, create an account and choose a subscription plan that suits your business needs. Next, set up call center agents and teams by adding their contact information and assigning them to specific roles. Integrating Aircall with your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system and other essential tools will allow for seamless data synchronization and better sales tracking. Additionally, customize your call center settings and preferences to ensure that your team has the best possible calling experience.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Account

Setting up an Aircall account is a quick and easy process. Once you navigate to the Aircall website, simply click on the “Sign Up” button and you’ll be prompted to enter your email address and create a password. From there, you’ll need to enter your company information, including your company name, location, and number of employees. It’s important to ensure that you enter accurate company information, as this will be used for caller ID and call routing purposes.


Importance of entering accurate company information

Accurate company information is critical for Aircall to provide optimal service. This includes the correct company name, location, and number of employees. This information is used to set up the caller ID, which is important for customers to see who is calling them. Accurate information also ensures that calls are being routed to the right person or team. If you enter incorrect information, it could result in lost or misrouted calls, which could negatively impact your sales team’s performance.


Adding a phone number and choosing a password

After entering your company information, the next step is to add a phone number to your Aircall account. You can either use an existing phone number or purchase a new one through Aircall. Once you’ve added a phone number, you can customize your settings to meet your team’s needs. This includes creating call flows, setting up call routing rules, and creating custom dispositions. You’ll also need to choose a password that is secure and easy to remember.


Integrating Aircall with Your Existing Tools

Integrating Aircall with Your Existing Tools


The benefits of integrating Aircall with other tools

Integrating Aircall with other tools can provide a wide range of benefits for your sales team. It can help streamline workflows, save time, and improve productivity. For example, integrating Aircall with your CRM tool can automatically log call activity and provide real-time updates on customer interactions. This can help your sales team stay organized and ensure that no important information falls through the cracks.


Examples of popular tools that can be integrated with Aircall (Salesforce, HubSpot, Slack)

Aircall can be integrated with a variety of popular tools, including Salesforce, HubSpot, and Slack. Salesforce is a popular CRM tool used by many sales teams. Integrating Aircall with Salesforce allows for automatic call logging and provides real-time updates on customer interactions. HubSpot is another popular tool that can be integrated with Aircall. By integrating the two tools, your team can easily track call activity and access call recordings directly from HubSpot. Slack is a communication tool used by many teams, including sales teams. Integrating Aircall with Slack can provide real-time updates on call activity and help your team stay connected and up-to-date.


How to integrate Aircall with these tools

Integrating Aircall with these tools is a straightforward process. For example, to integrate Aircall with Salesforce, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps, such as adding the Salesforce integration to your Aircall account and mapping your Salesforce fields. To integrate Aircall with HubSpot, you’ll need to install the Aircall integration from the HubSpot marketplace and follow the prompts to connect your Aircall account. Integrating Aircall with Slack is also a simple process. You’ll need to install the Aircall app from the Slack App Directory and follow the prompts to connect your Aircall account.




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Making Outbound Calls with Aircall

Outbound Calls with Aircall


The Aircall dialer is designed to simplify the process of making outbound calls. Agents can utilize call scripts and templates to maintain consistency in communication and improve customer interactions. Aircall’s platform allows for handling multiple call lines and transferring calls to appropriate team members when necessary. For quality assurance and training purposes, calls can also be recorded and reviewed.


Steps for making outbound calls with Aircall

Aircall provides several features to make outbound calling easy and efficient. To make an outbound call with Aircall, you can simply use the click-to-dial feature in the Aircall dashboard or mobile app. This feature allows you to make calls directly from the Aircall interface, without having to manually dial the number. When a call is initiated, Aircall will automatically display the contact information for the person you are calling, so you can quickly access any notes or information about the contact.


Features available during calls (call notes, call transfer)

Aircall provides several features that are available during calls to help you make the most of each interaction. For example, call notes allow you to add notes during a call that can be saved to the contact’s profile for future reference. This is useful for capturing important details about the call or the contact. Call transfer allows you to transfer the call to another team member, without losing any of the call information or notes. This feature is useful for handing off calls to another team member who may be better equipped to handle the call.


Tips for being more effective during calls

To be more effective during calls, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind for each call. This could be anything from setting up a meeting to closing a sale. It’s also important to listen actively to the person you are speaking with and to ask questions to better understand their needs or concerns. Taking notes during the call can help you remember important details and follow up on any action items. It’s also important to have a positive and enthusiastic attitude, as this can help build rapport with the person you are speaking with and make the call more enjoyable for both parties. Lastly, it’s important to be respectful of the person’s time and to end the call in a polite and professional manner.


Managing Sales Calls and Prospects

Managing Sales Calls and Prospects


The Aircall dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your team’s performance, including call analytics and lead management. You can track and monitor call data to identify trends, improve productivity, and optimize your sales process. Aircall also enables you to organize and prioritize leads and prospects, ensuring that your team focuses on high-potential opportunities. Syncing call data with your CRM streamlines lead management and keeps your sales pipeline up to date.


Streamlining Sales Team Collaboration

Sales Team Collaboration


Aircall facilitates seamless collaboration among sales team members. Agents can share and discuss calls with their colleagues, gaining valuable insights and feedback. Additionally, follow-ups and tasks can be assigned to appropriate team members to ensure efficient and timely customer engagement. Aircall’s internal messaging and communication tools make it easy for teams to stay connected and collaborate effectively.


Enhancing Sales Performance with Aircall Integrations

Sales Performance with Aircall Integratio


Enhancing sales performance is a critical goal for any business, and integrating Aircall into your sales workflow can provide significant benefits. Aircall is a cloud-based phone system that offers various integrations with customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, productivity tools, and other business software. By leveraging these integrations, you can streamline your sales process, improve collaboration, and increase overall sales efficiency. Here are some key sections and paragraphs explaining how Aircall integrations can enhance sales performance:


Streamlined Communication

Aircall’s integrations with CRM platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zendesk allow for seamless communication between your sales team and customers. With automatic call logging, call notes, and call recordings directly linked to your CRM, your sales representatives can access valuable customer information in real time. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry, ensuring accurate and up-to-date customer records.


Efficient Call Management

Aircall’s integrations with productivity tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams enable instant notifications and routing of calls to the right sales representatives. When a call comes in, a notification can be sent to the relevant team member’s preferred communication channel, allowing for quicker response times and reducing missed opportunities. Moreover, call queuing and distribution features ensure that calls are evenly distributed among team members, optimizing call handling and reducing wait times for customers.


Enhanced Collaboration

By integrating Aircall with collaboration tools such as Slack or Trello, your sales team can collaborate more effectively. For example, when a call ends, automatic call summaries can be shared in a designated Slack channel, allowing team members to stay updated on customer interactions and take necessary actions promptly. This integration facilitates knowledge sharing, improves coordination, and enables team members to support each other more efficiently.


Personalized Customer Experience

Integrating Aircall with CRM platforms that have customer data stored, like HubSpot or Intercom, enables personalized customer interactions. When a call comes in, relevant customer information and previous interactions can be displayed on the screen, allowing sales representatives to provide tailored and informed responses. This integration helps create a more personalized customer experience, build stronger relationships, and increase customer satisfaction.


Training and Support Resources for Aircall Users

Training and Support Resources for Aircall Users


Aircall offers a range of training and support resources to help users get the most out of the platform. The Aircall Academy and webinars provide valuable information and best practices for using the software effectively. Aircall’s customer support team is readily available to assist with any issues or concerns. Additionally, community forums and user groups offer peer-to-peer assistance and a platform to share tips and experiences.

  • Aircall Academy and Webinars: Aircall offers a variety of training resources through its Aircall Academy and webinars. These resources provide valuable information on using the platform effectively, as well as tips and best practices for maximizing your sales team’s performance. Webinars often feature guest speakers and industry experts who share insights and experiences, helping users gain a deeper understanding of Aircall’s potential and how it can enhance their sales processes.
  • Access to Aircall’s Customer Support Team: Aircall’s customer support team is dedicated to providing prompt and efficient assistance to users experiencing any issues or concerns. Their knowledgeable support staff can help troubleshoot problems, offer guidance on using Aircall’s features, and address any questions you may have. With various contact options such as email, phone, and live chat, Aircall’s customer support team ensures that help is always just a few clicks or a call away.
  • Community Forums and User Groups for Peer-to-Peer Assistance: Aircall’s community forums and user groups offer a platform for peer-to-peer assistance and knowledge sharing. These communities allow users to connect with others who have similar experiences, ask questions, and share tips and best practices. Engaging in these forums can help users learn from each other’s successes and challenges, ultimately leading to more effective use of Aircall and better sales outcomes.


Best Practices for Using Aircall with Sales Teams

Best Practices for using Aircall with Sales Teams


Integrate with CRM systems: Connect Aircall with your CRM system (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive) to automatically log and sync call data. This seamless integration enables your sales team to have easy access to crucial customer information and streamlines the sales process.

  • Leverage call scripts and templates: To maintain consistency and improve communication, use call scripts and templates for common scenarios. This ensures that your sales team stays on message and delivers a professional, cohesive experience for prospects.
  • Implement call recording: Record calls for quality assurance, training purposes, and compliance. Reviewing call recordings can help identify areas for improvement, as well as provide valuable insights into what works best for engaging prospects.
  • Utilize analytics and reporting: Track and analyze your call center’s performance to make data-driven decisions. Use analytics to identify trends, measure key performance indicators (KPIs), and optimize your sales process.
  • Prioritize lead management: Use Aircall’s lead management features to organize and prioritize your prospects. Focus on high-potential opportunities to maximize sales efforts and improve conversion rates.
  • Encourage collaboration: Foster a collaborative sales environment by using Aircall’s internal messaging and communication tools. Share call recordings, insights, and feedback with team members to learn from one another and continuously improve.
  • Integrate with sales enablement tools: Incorporate tools like SalesLoft, Outreach, and Gong to automate routine tasks and optimize sales communications. These integrations can provide additional functionality and support, leading to a more effective sales process.
  • Regularly train and upskill your team: Make use of Aircall Academy, webinars, and other training resources to keep your sales team up to date on best practices and product updates. Continuous learning helps your team stay agile and adapt to new challenges.
  • Customize your call settings: Tailor your call center settings, such as call routing, hold music, and call forwarding, to fit your team’s unique needs. Customizing these settings ensures a more efficient and enjoyable calling experience for both your sales team and prospects.
  • Engage with Aircall’s community: Participate in community forums and user groups to learn from other Aircall users. Sharing experiences, tips, and best practices can help you optimize your use of Aircall and improve overall sales performance.



Aircall provides sales teams with a powerful and intuitive platform that enhances their outbound call center operations. By leveraging Aircall’s features, integrations, and resources, your sales team can optimize its performance and drive better results.

To truly unlock the power of AirCall and propel your business to new heights, partner with Ubique Digital Solutions. Our team of experts will not only help you seamlessly integrate AirCall with your existing systems, but also provide ongoing support and training to ensure your sales team maximizes its capabilities.

Partner with us, and together, we’ll transform your sales team into an unstoppable force that drives revenue and growth for your company. Reach out to us now and experience the difference a well-equipped sales team can make.



Q: How does Aircall integrate with CRM systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive?

Aircall offers native integrations with popular CRM systems that allow for seamless syncing of call data and easy access to customer information within the Aircall platform. This helps streamline the sales process and improve overall efficiency.


Q: Can I record calls using Aircall for quality assurance and training purposes?

Yes, Aircall offers call recording features that enable you to record calls for quality assurance, compliance, and training. Recorded calls can be reviewed, shared, and analyzed to identify areas for improvement and best practices.


Q: What kind of analytics and reporting features does Aircall offer?

Aircall provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard that allows you to track and analyze call center performance. You can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), identify trends, and gain insights to optimize your sales process. Additionally, you can integrate with third-party analytics and reporting tools like Tableau, Domo, and Sisense for more in-depth analysis.


Q: How does Aircall support sales team collaboration?

Aircall offers internal messaging and communication tools that facilitate seamless collaboration among sales team members. Agents can share and discuss calls, insights, and feedback with their colleagues to learn from each other and improve performance.


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