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ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels Comparison 2024

ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels Comparison 2023

ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels Overview

In the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, it is important for businesses to stay up to date on the latest trends and tools that can help them build their brand and reach their customer base. An essential part of this is having an understanding of the differences and advantages of leading platforms, such as ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels. This article will provide an in-depth comparison of ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels in 2024, exploring the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each platform so that businesses can make an informed decision when choosing the right tool for their needs.


ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels

ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels, logo, dashboard, landing page

ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels offer a variety of features and capabilities that are designed to optimize the user’s marketing and sales strategies. From flexible automation and powerful segmentation to forms and surveys, ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels provide the tools necessary to create a successful campaign. Pricing and plans vary depending on the user’s specific needs, but there are several options available to fit within any budget. Integration between ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels is seamless, allowing users to easily use the two systems together for maximum efficiency.


ActiveCampaign Features

ActiveCampaign Features

ActiveCampaign’s automation feature helps businesses streamline their processes and reduce manual labor. Segmentation allows users to easily group and categorize contacts, enabling them to send more personalized emails. Lastly, tracking and analytics provide valuable insights into customer behavior, making it easier to optimize outreach.



As one of the leading platforms for automations, ActiveCampaign has multiple features that make automations easy to create and manage. The Automation Map feature is an intuitive visual tool that allows users to easily see the flow of their automations. With a simple drag-and-drop process, users can quickly create automations with complex triggers and multiple paths, all while keeping the automation organized and easy to read.

Not only can automations be set up easily, but they can also be managed in a way that is simple and efficient. ActiveCampaign’s automation settings allow users to pause, resume, or delete automations as needed so that users can be sure that they are always in control. Additionally, users can set up multiple automations that run in parallel so that they can be sure that their automations are running in the most efficient way possible.



As you explore the world of segmentation with ActiveCampaign, you’ll discover a powerful tool that can help you target customers in a meaningful way. With segmentation, you can take your contacts and divide them into smaller groups based on the criteria you define. This allows you to create a tailored experience that’s tailored to each customer’s needs.

When you create segments, you can target your contacts based on any of the data points you have stored in your account. This could include things like email address, location, purchase history, or any other criteria you choose. You can also use segmentation to target customers who are more likely to respond to a particular message, saving you time and money. By sending personalized messages to the right customers, you can increase engagement and conversion rates.


ClickFunnels Features

ClickFunnels Features

ClickFunnels Features allow users to capture leads, create opt-in forms, and split test campaigns to maximize success. Its easy-to-use interface quickly creates stunning opt-in forms and split tests, enabling users to quickly determine the best combination of offer, format, and copy. Its lead capture capabilities make it easy to capture leads and connect them to a variety of marketing automation platforms.


Lead Capture

Stepping away from Activecampaign’s features, ClickFunnels offers a robust lead capture system perfect for any business. At the core of this system lies the ability to create pages and forms on those pages to easily capture leads. With the click of a button, you can have an opt-in form up and running in no time. What’s more, ClickFunnels allows you to customize the look of the form to your brand’s specifications. You can also add images, videos, or any other type of content to the form to give it an eye-catching design. Furthermore, ClickFunnels enables you to segment your leads using their advanced tagging system, allowing you to create highly targeted lists of potential customers. All of this can be done with simple drag-and-drop tools, making the whole process fast and efficient. With ClickFunnels, capturing leads has never been easier.


Opt-In Forms

Turning our attention to ClickFunnels’ opt-in forms, they offer an array of features that are sure to give users the ability to maximize lead capture. The customizability of the forms allows users to craft an experience that is tailored to their unique design needs—from font selection and background images to field labels and thank you pages. Additionally, ClickFunnels provides an easy-to-use visual editor, so users are able to quickly and easily create forms without any coding experience.

ClickFunnels also offers split testing capabilities for opt-in forms. This feature allows users to quickly compare different versions of their opt-in forms to determine which one is the most effective in terms of lead capture. With advanced analytics, users have the ability to track the performance of each form, so they can gain valuable insights into customer preferences and optimize their forms for maximum conversion.


Split Testing

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Split testing is the key to really understanding what resonates with your audience, and ClickFunnels makes it easy. With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can set up a split test to compare different versions of your content.

You can test variations of your landing pages, email content, and even offers. Then, you can track the results to see which version performs the best. This way, you can make sure that you’re delivering the best possible experience to your audience. Plus, ClickFunnels makes it easy to see which version of your content is resonating with your leads and customers in real time.

Split testing is the ultimate way to maximize your conversions and ClickFunnels makes it easy. With just a few clicks, you can get the insights you need to optimize your campaigns and ensure that you’re reaching your target audience.


ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels: Pricing

ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels: Pricing

The pricing of ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels can vary significantly depending on the features desired. For ActiveCampaign, users can choose from four different pricing plans, each with different levels of features and customization. For ClickFunnels, there are three pricing plans, with the most comprehensive plan allowing users to access advanced features and customization. Together, both platforms provide a range of pricing options to meet the needs of any business.


ActiveCampaign Pricing

ActiveCampaign Pricing

Having discussed the features that make ClickFunnels one of the best-in-class sales and marketing automation tools, let’s now move on to pricing. When it comes to pricing, ActiveCampaign offers some of the most competitive rates in the industry. ActiveCampaign offers three pricing plans: Lite, Plus, and Professional.

  • The Lite plan, which is the most basic plan, is $9 per month for up to 500 contacts. This plan is great for small businesses and startups who are just starting out and need a basic service to send out newsletters and automated campaigns.
  • The Plus plan, which is the company’s mid-level plan, is $49 per month for up to 1,000 contacts. This plan is a great option for those who need a more robust set of features, such as advanced segmentation and automated campaigns.
  • The Professional plan, which is the company’s top-level plan, is $149 per month for up to 10,000 contacts. This plan is ideal for large businesses and enterprises that need a comprehensive set of features for their sales and marketing efforts.
  • The Enterprise plan, which is designed for large-scale businesses and organizations that require advanced features, customization options, and dedicated support. Since pricing for enterprise plans can vary based on specific business requirements, it is recommended to contact ActiveCampaign directly for accurate pricing details tailored to your organization’s needs. The Enterprise plan includes all the features and capabilities of ActiveCampaign’s lower-tier plans, such as email marketing, automation, CRM, and integrations. However, it offers additional benefits and functionalities to meet the demands of enterprise-level businesses.

ActiveCampaign pricing plans are designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, ActiveCampaign has a plan that will fit your budget and your needs.


ClickFunnels Pricing

ClickFunnels Pricing

Having explored the numerous features that ClickFunnels offers, it is now time to take a look at its pricing plans. ClickFunnels offers entrepreneurs three pricing plans: the Basic, Pro, and the “Funnel Hacker” plan.

  • The Basic plan, costs $127 per month, is an ideal choice for individuals or small businesses who are just starting out with their online sales funnels. This plan provides all the essential features needed to build and launch effective marketing funnels. With the Basic plan, you can create up to 20 funnels, 100 pages, and have a maximum of 20,000 monthly visitors to your funnels. Additionally, you get access to the ClickFunnels Etison Editor, which allows you to design and customize your funnels with ease.
  • The Pro plan, priced at $157 per month, is designed for entrepreneurs and growing businesses that require more advanced features and higher capacity for their sales funnels. With the Pro plan, you can create an unlimited number of funnels, pages, and receive up to 50,000 monthly visitors. This plan also includes additional features such as A/B split testing, email integrations, and access to the ClickFunnels affiliate program. The Pro plan provides a comprehensive set of tools to help you optimize your marketing strategies.
  • Funnel Hacker plan, priced at $ 208 per month, is ClickFunnels’ top-tier plan, tailored for businesses with high traffic volume and complex sales funnels. This plan offers unlimited funnels, pages, and visitors, giving you the freedom to scale your business without any limitations. In addition to the features available in the Pro plan, the Funnel Hacker plan provides priority customer support, priority template requests, and the ability to create your own ClickFunnels sub-accounts. This plan is suitable for established businesses and online entrepreneurs looking for advanced customization options and premium support.

ClickFunnels offers entrepreneurs three pricing plans that are affordable and offer a range of features that can help entrepreneurs succeed in their online business endeavors.


ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels: Integrations

ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels: Integrations

Integrations are key to creating a cohesive digital marketing strategy, and ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels offer powerful options. ActiveCampaign’s integrations allow users to automate their customer journeys with powerful workflow tools, while ClickFunnels offers tailored funnels and powerful automation to ensure the customer experience is of the highest quality. Both offer a variety of integrations to bring together all aspects of the customer journey.


ActiveCampaign Integrations

The power of our product lies in its ability to make integrations simple and seamless. ActiveCampaign integrations are no exception – from the moment you sign up, you can start connecting ActiveCampaign with your system. With a few clicks, you can set up your automated tasks, sync contacts, and track your campaigns – all without having to manually enter any data.

Our ActiveCampaign integration is built on top of our robust API, so you can be sure that your tasks are running smoothly and efficiently. And if you ever have any issues, our customer support team is available 24/7 to help you out. Plus, with our advanced features, you can customize your integration to fit your specific needs. As an added bonus, you can also set up custom actions to automate even more of your marketing tasks.


ClickFunnels Integrations

Having established the pricing structure, let’s now explore the integration opportunities available for ClickFunnels. Connecting ClickFunnels with ActiveCampaign unleashes a range of powerful marketing automation capabilities. From automated customer onboarding to lead scoring and segmentation, this integration helps you create a personalized experience for each customer. But it’s the integration with ClickFunnels that really takes your marketing efforts to the next level.

The ClickFunnels integration allows you to quickly create automated campaigns that are tailored to each customer’s needs. With the ability to send automated emails based on user behavior, you can create personalized experiences for each customer. You can also use the integration to track and measure customer engagement, allowing you to further refine and optimize your campaigns. By leveraging the integration, you can create highly targeted campaigns that will drive more leads and higher conversion rates.



Having the ability to automate business processes is a critical element of any successful business. That’s why ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels both offer powerful automation capabilities that make it easier than ever to customize and streamline important tasks. With ActiveCampaign, users can create automated campaigns that will trigger based on a variety of conditions, such as when a customer purchases a product or when a customer has not purchased in a certain amount of time. ActiveCampaign also offers a visual workflow builder that makes it easy to define rules and conditions for your automation.

ClickFunnels’ automation capabilities are equally impressive, allowing users to create campaigns that will trigger based on customer actions, such as visiting a page or signing up for a newsletter. Additionally, ClickFunnels’ automation editor enables users to define conditions and rules for their automation, as well as set the timing for when the automation should start and stop. This makes it easy to create complex automation scenarios that are tailored to the specific needs of your business.


ActiveCampaign vs ClickFunnels: Performance


The performance of ActiveCampaign has been lightning-fast, enabling users to quickly access and utilize its features. ClickFunnels has also been incredibly responsive, ensuring users can access and maneuver its functions with ease. Speed is of the utmost importance, with both of these platforms providing an optimal performance that ensures a smooth user experience.


ActiveCampaign Performance

activecampaigns, domain

Leaving the integrations behind, it’s time to discuss ActiveCampaign’s performance. ActiveCampaign is known for its lightning-fast speed, allowing users to quickly navigate through the platform and quickly launch campaigns. Its user interface is intuitive and clutter-free, making it easy to find the features you’re looking for.

The platform also offers a range of advanced features, such as automation and segmentation, that make it easier to target the right people, at the right time. It’s incredibly easy to set up the automations you need, and you can fine-tune them to make them even more effective. With its powerful analytics, you can easily track and measure your success, giving you the insights you need to further optimize your campaigns.


ClickFunnels Performance

ClickFunnels Performance,funnels

After looking at the various integrations available with ActiveCampaign, it’s time to take a look at performance. Let’s start with the performance of ClickFunnels, one of the most popular integrations with ActiveCampaign. When it comes to ClickFunnels, users can expect a fast and responsive interface. It loads quickly and presents a logical flow for users to follow. With ClickFunnels, users can quickly move through their setup process for creating funnels and landing pages. The drag-and-drop editor is also extremely responsive, allowing users to make changes to their campaigns in just a few clicks. Additionally, since ClickFunnels is built for marketers, there are plenty of options when it comes to customization. This includes customizing the look and feel, as well as setting up automated responses based on user behavior. All in all, ClickFunnels provides a great performance experience for users.



With lightning-fast speed, your ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels integrations will perform as expected. With these integrations, you can rely on pages loading quickly, emails being sent and received in a timely manner, and campaigns launching without delay. No more waiting for pages to load or emails to send – you’ll be able to get things done in a flash.

Speed is of the utmost importance when it comes to ActiveCampaign and ClickFunnels integrations. These integrations are designed to help you work faster, so you can get more done in less time and with less effort. With the combination of speed and efficiency, you’ll be able to take your business to the next level.


Which One is Right for You?

ActiveCampaign or ClickFunnels website

When it comes to choosing the right tool for your marketing needs, you can’t go wrong with either ActiveCampaign or ClickFunnels. Both platforms offer a wealth of features and integrations that are sure to meet your needs. ActiveCampaign is a great choice for those who are looking for a comprehensive email marketing solution. ClickFunnels is ideal for those who need more than just email marketing and want to create sales funnels. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preference and the unique needs of your business. Try out a few options to find the best fit for your business.

Ubique Digital Solutions, with its deep industry knowledge and cutting-edge strategies, can help you navigate these tools and harness their full potential to skyrocket your business. So why wait? Reach out to Ubique Digital Solutions today and let us help you chart the path to success. Your business deserves the best, and we’re here to deliver it. Together, we can make your digital journey not just achievable, but also enjoyable and rewarding.



Q: ActiveCampaign is best for whom?

Ideal for anyone seeking a comprehensive email marketing solution.

Q: Does ClickFunnels integrate with ActiveCampaign?

Yes, ClickFunnels seamlessly works with ActiveCampaign.

Q: Is HubSpot better than ActiveCampaign?

It depends on your specific needs; each has strengths.

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